This serves as a religious reformation in the socio-cultural history of South Travancore.
He spread the idea of the religious reformation eagerly.
The renovations turned up a scroll (perhaps the world's first archaeological discovery) that began a religious reformation.
The structure of the second order, the clergy, was in place by 1200 and remained singly intact until the religious reformations of the 16th century.
He considered "religious reformation" as an anachronistic concept.
At a very early age he accepted the path of religious reformation for giving service to and uplifting the subaltern people of Bengal.
Augustus' religious reformations raised the funding and public profile of the Vestals.
Archbishop Cranmer, architect of Henry's religious reformation, was one of them.
The family has produced several persons who have contributed substantially in the fields of business, social and religious reformation, literature, art and music.
But it is better, he argued, to go through this phase than to wait for a religious reformation, which will never come.