It is most often used in religious sermons when the speaker is referring to a relationship between himself/herself and a specific individual in the audience.
These realities some times were dedicated and made indelible in the name of religious sermons and social sanctions.
The "triple injunction" concept was communicated through many different forms including: educational tracts, religious sermons, and legal codes.
He traveled from town to town delivering religious sermons that stressed the importance of respect for one's fellow man.
While in the UK he attended many Iraqi Events giving religious sermons.
Bhaiji held his first Kathaa or religious sermon in London in 1987.
Radio shows, do it yourself projects, special interest groups, religious sermons, comedy sketches, cartoons, and just about anything else can be found.
From the first day of December, villagers celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ with religious sermons in the church.
Further, Zamzami announced his support for the government's monitoring of mosques and religious sermons as a tool to protect countries from extremism.
By law, the Government is allowed to pre-screen religious sermons before they are delivered publicly.