Salishan language communities that have demonstrated change in technology and environmental vocabulary have often remained more consistent with their religious terminology.
Indeed, cognate lists between various Salishan languages show more similarities in religious terminology than they do in technology and environment vocabulary.
Without using religious terminology, we have discovered a great many facts about God.
But in the Muslim Middle East, where religious terminology permeates the culture, it seems as if almost everyone is a martyr.
He insisted: "Some extremists have changed the religious terminology into a political terminology.
In Urdu, three very common religious terminologies have been derived from Ishq.
I know you will not accept my religious terminology, but you know what it means to me.
This book focuses on a class of seemingly involuntary acts alternately explained in religious and secular terminology.
I'm an Arum, so I'm not too well versed in religious terminology.
Clinton speeches incorporated religious terminology that suggests the role of pastor rather than prophet or priest.