To Western eyes, that seemed tantamount to religious veneration and gave rise to the misleading phrase "emperor worship."
But even if that were not so, to posit a past creator is not to posit the eternal and personal God who is the object of religious veneration.
The monument is made of marble and features a bronze statue depicting the god Eros, to whom the ancient Thespians accorded particular religious veneration.
And like everything Belle and Sebastian has released, it will doubtless be regarded by the 100,000 or so people who buy it with something approaching religious veneration.
But Jerusalem is not, and never has been, simply an object of religious veneration or archeological curiosity.
Many specific images of the Madonna, both painted and sculptured, have achieved fame, either as objects of religious veneration or for their intrinsic artistic qualities.
In captivity, Staden used his extensive knowledge of Tupinamba culture, religious veneration and allegiance with the French to take on the role of a transactional go-between.
The Pope made no mention of Che Guevara, the martyr of the Cuban revolution who is the object of an almost religious veneration here.
They seemed to have an almost religious veneration for the spiders.
After his death he became a subject of religious veneration and he has been proposed for canonisation as a saint of the Roman Catholic Church.