Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
However, there are still allotted areas for 20 relocatable buildings in case further development is required.
Fully relocatable code was more complicated and difficult to implement.
It is also possible to provide for multiple or relocatable transmission control stations on such a network.
However, the school's roll soon increased to 940 students, requiring the relocatable classrooms to remain.
There are two (2) major buildings in the school: the main building, and the relocatable building.
Two relocatable classrooms were move away in 2009.
The intermediate code was similar to relocatable binary, but had to be punched onto paper tape.
Cyprus High School has 63 classroom and six relocatable classrooms.
They are known for their relocatable and drop-ready functionality.
Certain implementations of relocatable code use local thunks to call library functions.
Relocatable elements are the output of basic mode compilers.
A complex relocatable expression contains terms that relate to addresses in different source modules.
The functional modules are distributed in relocatable format (.
Underwriters Laboratories standard 1363 contains requirements for relocatable power taps.
Installations could define additional private relocatable and source statement libraries on other disk volumes.
Labels can also be used to initialize constants and variables with relocatable addresses.
The 'R' type found some use for relocatable binary executable files.
The use of relocatable seating allows for flexibility to suit a range of event requirements.
For compatibility with earlier (basic mode) programming models, there are relocatable and absolute element types.
The main building and the relocatable building are permanent, separated by teacher and student parking lots.
Relocatable buildings can offer more flexibility and a much quicker time to occupancy than conventionally built structures.
Relocatable partitions are able to be compacted to provide larger chunks of contiguous physical memory.
At first, it would seem natural that objects would be implemented via handles, to gain the advantage of being relocatable.
A adcons normally store a four byte relocatable address.
Relocatable partitions will be rearranged at the middle school to create additional classrooms, a 3,900 square-foot library and a 350-square-foot computer room.