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This is a tough question because relocating means moving to a completely new area.
Here he worked for nearly a decade, before relocating in 1998 to the village of Dema to the south.
Relocating her Rossini technique was proving to be hard work.
Relocating the rail yard has the potential to pave the way for further economic development in the area.
Before relocating Kivalina residents are finding out that the new site may be prone to flooding.
One cannot blame people for relocating here or developers for taking advantage of a lucrative situation.
Relocating a night club is never simple.
After relocating to Spokane in 1892, he initially worked as a teamster, before attending business school.
Tipis were used primarily during buffalo hunts and when relocating from one village area to another.
The problem was solved in the 1920's by building viaducts over the railroad tracks and relocating businesses one level up.
In a lecture in 1948 he spoke of changing planets, or relocating them within the solar system.
Relief organizations scrambled to locate suitable areas for relocating evacuees on a large scale.
The stadium would not be built unless a baseball team commits itself to relocating in New Jersey.
The report will detail the move and will look at whether the Rams have met the league's criteria for relocating a franchise.
That is because in the summer of 1999 workers began, essentially, rebuilding Bombay without relocating any of its citizens.
The job cuts will be made either through attrition or by relocating employees to other BT divisions.
Recent site plans call for relocating of an existing softball field to offer more parking and improvements to driveways to allow better mass transit access.
It remained there for the next few years until again relocating to the San Bernardino Mountains.
Lundy lived in Douglaston before relocating to Denver, Colorado for medical treatment.
By the mid-1950s most families were relocating to nearby communities such as Indian Bay and Wareham.
Unfortunately, hers is among thousands of middle-level positions that Metropolitan Life is relocating.
Although born in Germany, he moved to England before relocating to Scotland around 1990, where he has lived since.
Since relocating to Brighton, she has been running singing workshops at the Pavilion Theatre.
"It's a well-off institution, and this is a question of relocating resources and trying to value us as an integral part of the museum program."
Another part of the renovation involved relocating and expanding the museum's current design shop and its cafe, whose tin roof has been painstakingly restored.