This can also cover workers who are relocated to other offices within the establishment.
HP spokesmen confirmed that some jobs would be relocated to other offices in Texas.
In June, he relocated the company's headquarters, where 35 people are employed, to offices twice the size of its former headquarters.
The employees who worked at the Hamilton office have been relocated to nearby offices, and mail is being processed in three other postal facilities nearby.
Maria Dolgetta, a spokeswoman, said the company would relocate to offices it already has in Manhattan at a date yet to be determined.
Nevertheless, the newspaper and Bloch stayed out of bankruptcy and relocated to larger offices twice during this period.
The radio station later relocated to offices on the Manor Royal industrial estate, and by 2008 the building was mostly vacant.
If space is not available, these divisions will be relocated to offices in "the nearby area," the statement said.
In 2008 the department's main business centres were relocated to newer offices in Parramatta.
More than 350 have relocated to new offices there, including eight that moved into the Empire State Building.