In order to deal with the budget crisis, Cruz pushed through a reluctant Congress a bill that cut tax benefits and import exemptions.
When the Bush administration pushed its Medicare drug bill through a reluctant Congress, even supporters knew there were flaws that would have to be corrected.
The images convinced a reluctant Congress that the need for federal aid was real.
These flaws point to the need to continue to push a reluctant Congress, as well as state legislatures, for meaningful election reform.
In the case of the Cuba sanctions, the Administration will need the cooperation of a reluctant Congress.
To take full effect, the agreement requires several actions by a reluctant Congress, some almost immediately, and calls for "productivity savings" from the workers.
To resume testing, the Administration would have to get approval from a reluctant Congress.
He said Mr. Ford's delay gave the city and state time to gather votes from a reluctant Congress to support the loan program.
A coalition of government agencies and environmental groups has asked a reluctant Congress for $200 million to build central sewer systems in the Keys.
But equally likely, Presidents could use their new authority to get spending they want written into law by a reluctant Congress.