Ford reluctantly adopted the hydraulic brake system after rivals Plymouth and Chevrolet adopted the innovation.
Businesses are reluctantly adopting elements of the free-market, Adam Smith brand of capitalism practiced in the United States, despite its harsh consequences of layoffs and bankruptcies.
When a yellow mongrel comes for an uninvited stay with the family, Travis reluctantly adopts the dog.
This rare individual is responsible for all the progress made by the race; the others reluctantly adopt his results.
The African National Congress leaders not imprisoned went into exile, and the congress reluctantly adopted violence as a method, while strengthening its Communist ties and its international campaign to isolate South Africa.
Networks reluctantly adopted a ratings system in 1997, but it has yet to catch on with viewers.
I can imagine his wife or his sweetheart reluctantly adopting each of his new religious in turn, just in time to see him waltz into the next one and leave her isolated once more.
The film is about a Japanese American family who conceals their identity and reluctantly adopts discriminatory practices in order to operate a Chinese restaurant within the hostile cold war climate of Las Vegas in the late 1950s.
He later starts to mature after living together with his three children, whom he reluctantly adopted.
The Democrats, who at this time had no strong candidate choice of their own, reluctantly adopted Greeley as their candidate with Governor B.G. Brown as his running mate.