"Sire, have you in the army one regiment on which you can implicitly rely?"
But they implicitly rely on the framework of expectations to remain stable.
Needless to say, that since I am to become her husband, you can rely implicitly upon my discretion in this matter.
In a way, he had envied them their sense of community; they relied on each other implicitly.
The currency expert had trusted her judgement, relied implicitly on her training, her skills.
In this situation the courts have long shown themselves willing to hold that the thing done was implicitly relying on the expectation of a reward.
I want to have one military man as a member of the commission, and a man in whose judgment I may implicitly rely.
They hated and envied our supposed superiority; yet they relied on us implicitly for protection.
Do not rely implicitly on any information derived from the VOR signals.
Roosevelt relied implicitly on justice and common sense.