Those who follow her have done so for great promotions, but they rely upon Pharnaces to ensure promotion.
They have next to no military force, relying mainly on secrecy to ensure their safety.
We rely on suppliers to ensure their invoices provide the details needed to match them quickly to the original order or contract.
Many flowers rely on simple proximity between flower parts to ensure pollination.
If the man in front goes down, trample him under foot, rely on the man behind to ensure he does not strike up from below.
Intensive care teams rely on the latest research to ensure they can give the best life saving treatment to their patients.
Most businesses rely on two complementary forces to ensure that they maintain and raise their standards.
Iran relies upon its oil sales to China to ensure its fiscal well-being.
No company introducing an important product would rely on such modest resources to ensure that a product was a success.
Instead it relied on overtime to ensure that enough officers were on duty at any given time.