Eleanor and Theophilus returned to Westbrook, their estate outside London, where they remained secretly and actively in the service of the Jacobite cause.
Vietnam also was worried that large numbers of those rejected in the final screening would become violent and remain actively disgruntled.
UT Southwestern has five Nobel Laureates, four of which remain actively at the university.
In its origin it was an allusion to the Jewish belief that God remained actively working in the Universe even after its creation and does not necessarily mean soul creation.
Eleanor and her husband Theophilus Oglethorpe returned to their estate outside London, but remained secretly and actively in the service of the House of Stuart.
DECIDES to remain actively seized of the matter.
This species forages almost exclusively from the ground, where it alternates between remaining still and watching attentively and actively searching for it by rummaging through deep leaf litter.
The only member to remain actively involved in the recording of music, Summers released three studio albums and one live album.
We must change working life in such a way that people can remain actively in work and not be excluded from it.
Male claimants who reach the State Pension age for females (which is currently just over 61 years) are still eligible to claim Jobseeker's Allowance, although they must remain actively looking for work.