As of early 2008, many businesses have returned to the area, schools have reopened, although the population remains significantly below pre-Katrina levels.
The consumption of alcohol overall went down by half in the 1920s; and it remained below pre-Prohibition levels until the 1940s.
As the week wore on, they remained at 40 percent below earlier levels.
While production and consumption rose, they remained well below pre-Crash levels.
And even where tax collections increased, they have remained below anticipated levels.
Real wages for agricultural workers remained below prewar levels, and the peasants had practically no political voice.
Through early 2008, the lake remained well below normal levels, with large portions of the lake bed exposed above the water line.
On the other hand, the view of current conditions remains well below prewar levels.
The spike in killings comes as the city's overall homicide rate remains below levels of a year ago.
They show that although house prices here remained at or below national levels through the beginning of this decade, they soared starting in 1985.