There they remain dormant until spring when new growth begins.
The ascospores remain dormant all winter to germinate in spring.
Viruses of the family Herpesvirus are notable for remaining dormant within cells in the human body.
The irony of her life is that if she had enjoyed a happy marriage these qualities may have remained dormant.
It has remained dormant until now, when Americans are once again entering a period of uncertainty.
It's given me an avenue to express certain areas that probably would have remained dormant.
And under "normal" circumstances - if there is such a thing - the buds remain dormant during the short, cold days of winter.
There can be no such thing against an enemy that remains dormant most of the time and is almost never visible.
"Otherwise, it's difficult to understand why it has remained dormant for so long."
Yet for many centuries the full advantages this genetic quirk gave remained dormant.