The town remained economically backward until the late 19th century, when construction of the Friedrich Willhelm Railway in 1893 fostered industrial development, including a sugar beet plant, a steam plow factory, and two brickyards.
Some have argued that the lands of the Iceni suffered so badly from this act of destruction that the tribe remained economically backward.
Japan is central to the health of the global economy, but it remains firmly in recession and largely paralyzed politically and economically.
These developed countries were, and economically still remain, "colonies of more developed countries".
Today's average married woman marries late, has had considerable sexual experience but remains economically an endangered species.
But the district, in spite of its immense mineral and forest wealth, still remaining economically backward.
A month after Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi took office, vowing "to deal with each issue in a dramatic, speedy way," Japan remains firmly in recession and largely paralyzed politically and economically.
The administrative cities remained economically only of regional importance.
We cannot establish anything that a western nation would regard as Socialism without defeating Hitler; on the other hand we cannot defeat Hitler while we remain economically and socially in the nineteenth century.
The Government has called the measure a "Eurotax," implying that it was the price Italy had to pay to remain economically and politically part of Europe.