The station was one of the only local New York stations that remained on air immediately following the attacks.
Some 20,000 residents of central and eastern Ontario remained without power 6 days following the storm event.
So, having once filled his nostrils, the smell remained to poison each following breath.
People remained in their offices following a rumor that there were more blasts coming.
He remained in that city until late 1861, following the sudden death of his wife, who never bore children, in 1860.
Today only these four remain, following years of demolition and urban renewal.
Y2K issues remained following the close of the television series.
She remained as a whip, in opposition, following the 2010 election.
Megan remained in Madrid, following the news reports of the trial each day.
Most remained in their homes, following the curfew set by the chief safeguard's office.