Being ignorant is not a crime, but wilfully remaining ignorant should be.
I had hitherto remained ignorant of love, and had been terrified from illicit commerce by beholding the dreadful objects of the hospital at Potzdam.
It was amazing how widespread knowledge of the Fountain of Youth was among the creatures of Xanth-while civilized people had remained ignorant.
NET whilst remaining largely ignorant of its nature, purpose, and implementation.
Even with their new, belligerent god the Cave People might have proved a commendable force in Mexican history if they had not remained totally ignorant.
Ben's situation came back to him then in a rush of unpleasant memories, and he found himself wishing rather ruefully that he had remained ignorant.
Neither had even heard of one until now, and both, having witnessed the Gnome's reaction to the mention of one, wondered if perhaps they would have been better off remaining ignorant.
Still, the fact remains-had I executed Savaphoong and remained ignorant, I would have been branded with failure and executed anyway as an example.
One thing about being a civilian aboard the ship: it meant remaining blissfully ignorant of most nonshipboard activities.
That it was used for public executions was a fact of which Kira could happily have remained ignorant.