The mother visits the nursery, sometimes on a daily basis, for the 43-52 days that the young remain in the tadpole stage.
It was scheduled for a late 2012 launch but as of early 2013, remains in the conceptual stage of development.
With one round remaining in the qualifying stage, most of the qualifiers were already known.
About 30 kilometers (18 miles) remained in the stage.
For example, chronic wounds often remain in the inflammatory stage for too long.
Among the comparison group of 153 women who did not take exercise classes, 37 remained in the pushing stage longer than an hour.
But plans for more transmission lines remain largely in the talking stage.
Durations vary as to the amount of time a survivor may remain in the acute stage.
For now, the proposal remains in the talking stage.
Despite the advances, this doctrine remains in the experimental stage.