As social workers, we have relied on home visits as integral to working from an ecological perspective, that is, always remaining mindful of the fit between the person and his environment, a core theory of our profession.
With similar precision, Mr. Durham also presents William's nemesis: a Scotsman named Andrew Morrison, who tracks William while remaining mindful of his own immigrant experience.
The Bush administration entered the case on Nike's side to defend what Solicitor General Theodore B. Olson said was the federal government's regulatory interest in preventing deceptive advertising while remaining mindful of the First Amendment.
It is our desire and intention to portray both characters with dignity and respect, while remaining mindful of the ethical issues we're raising.
The interview panel will be interested in exploring the recruit's capabilities in several relevant areas, while always remaining mindful that formal qualifications are not necessary for advice work.
For decades, Ms. Lee has remained fiercely mindful of her privacy, politely but resolutely refusing to talk to the press and making only rare public appearances, in which she always declines to speak.
He dramatized Luther's views on the relationship between the Old and New Testaments, while remaining mindful of Luther's careful distinctions about proper and improper uses of visual imagery.
We must consider these very carefully, with great intelligence, and remain mindful of the concerns and needs of all the countries affected.
Arturo Illia became President on October 12, 1963, and promptly steered a moderate political course, while remaining mindful of the spectre of a coup d'état.
- suggests that there are no easy or right answers when it comes to meeting expectations of the bereaved while remaining mindful of long-term financial consequences.