The trouble is that such an arms operation could not have remained secret for long.
The vilification intensified after their executions, which were made in public, while the specific offenses under which they were condemned still remained secret.
Agency officials were at a loss to explain why these documents, now at the National Archives, had remained secret for so long.
To date, however, all the facts about the Karen Wood case, as established by the state authorities, have remained officially secret.
The identity of many of the participants remains secret even today.
Gina Bhurg's full identity has remained secret and is known to work with a partner, Hanna N. Snofin.
Some people thought the relationship might have remained secret, but it was much too explosive to stay hidden as rumors swirled.
Exact details of the plan have remained secret, but one fearless soul offered what was said to be a general outline.
According to the court papers, much information in the sealed affidavits has remained secret and has not been published in the press.
Eventually, 30 of the reserved 100 documents were published; 70 remained secret, and unpublished.