But while we may feel visually overwhelmed, much in everyday life, as Mr. Pollan notes, remains strategically out of view, including how our food winds its slow way to the dinner table.
That lease, as it turns out, expired in 1990, but the board members at 1 Sutton Place admit that they, with great care, remained strategically mum about the lapse.
Although he remained strategically in charge of operations, his generals failed him in battle.
In modern times the Middle East remains a strategically, economically, politically, culturally and religiously sensitive region.
Instead, he remained strategically mum about his exoneration.
It remained strategically significant throughout the Pharaonic period as a departure point for the military and commercial expeditions into Nubia and the south.
In all cases, US combat operations support the HN IDAD program and remain strategically defensive in nature.