The fashion in which his dark eyes would flash, even when his pale countenance remained unmoved, told her so, as did other things.
No man could have been present at that ceremony and remained unmoved, not even a born lawyer.
The brothers looked at one another hopelessly, but remained unmoved.
And the common verdict on the potential of "Miss Daisy" remained unmoved: high quality, low gross, too much risk.
Most currencies in Asia are now rising, but the renminbi has remained conspicuously unmoved.
The fight had shifted to the centre, and her bed had remained unmoved, herself unmolested.
Programmer Shuman bowed his head along with the rest of them, but remained unmoved.
He looked at Daventry whose face remained unmoved and wondered what he thought.
Shannon had watched the encounter with interest, while remaining singularly unmoved herself.
One admired the composer's craft and ambition while remaining respectfully unmoved by the results.