The remainder live in and around the cities and towns of these host countries.
About two thirds of the species are marine, and the remainder live in fresh water.
The remainder of the Native population lives in the south, 31%, the midwest, 17%, and the northeast, 9%.
The remainder of the resident teachers live in adjacent buildings.
The remainder of the population of the island (about 50 people) lives in the Kangerluk settlement, a few hours by boat to the northwest.
The remainder lives on the island of Djerba, where the Jewish community dates back 2,500 years.
In rural Veracruz, where the remainder of the dead lived, small towns barely sustain themselves.
About 10% of the population resides in the Old City, while the remainder live in the outside districts.
The remainder of the time he lives in South Florida.
The remainder live to the south and east of the town in more rural areas.