Only about 11% is added during preparation or at the table, with the remainder occurring naturally in foods.
Part of this convergence is accommodated by shortening within the Zagros fold and thrust belt, with the remainder occurring to the north of the Iranian Plateau.
Thirty-five percent of energy savings occurs in electric-heated homes, with the remainder occurring in gas- or fuel oil-heated homes (either through reduced fossil fuel combustion or reduced electricity consumption for space cooling).
A Uccel spokesman, Richard E. Hanlon, said about half of the layoffs would be made in Dallas, with the remainder occurring in the international and domestic offices.
In Japan, just over half of HIV/AIDS cases are officially recorded as occurring amongst homosexual men, with the remainder occurring amongst heterosexuals and also via drug abuse, in the womb or unknown means.
Approximately 83% of construction in Quesnell Heights occurred during the 1960s with most of the remainder occurring during the 1970s.