Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The remainer of the money from the sale was never paid.
I'm going to try to hold this rhythm for the remainer."
Remeber to watch out for your neighbors and their homes during the remainer of the holidays.
Much of the remainer of his life is mysterious.
The remainer of his pre-judicial career consisted of serving as "."
Edwards, the 50-year-old bullpen coach, was named to replace Corrales for the remainer of this season.
Codend selectivity trials were thereafter continued for the remainer of the cruise.
The remainer is due in two installments.
Assays for the remainer of the hole, and for other associated metals, are still awaited.
In the event of further blackouts, the remainer of block 14 would be next, followed by block 1.
How did the centripetal remainer afford egress to the centrifugal departer?
The remainer of the EP is remixes from the Future album.
The remainer of the issue - some $339 million worth of securities -consisted of special obligation bonds.
Failure to follow these Internet regulations will result in loss of all computer access, not just the Internet, for the remainer of the school year.
The Castilian mark was thus smaller than that of the remainer of western Europe, so as to conform to the mitcal.
I aim to spend the remainer of the afternoon here and rest at anchor overnight and depart 0830 tommorrow morning for Malakula.
The remainer of 1ére CCPL conducted five airborne reinforcement jumps around the country during the year.
The Scottish Government has already pledged £5 million for the project, with the remainer being made up by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
For the remainer of the month, the group flew fighter sweeps, bomber escort and dive bombing, missions and suffered its first combat losses.
“It’s going to be a slow grind upward for the remainer of the year,” said Joseph Brusuelas, director of Moody’s
The following July, TV3 Group confirmed the purchase of the remainer of shares in Channel 6 from other stake holders.
When U.S. financial aid to Zaire was not forthcoming, Zaire expelled the remainer to Kenya.
Vandergriff's 13th term would be expiring that April, and had he resigned earlier, a special election would have been required to fill the remainer of the term.
The remainer of the 90-member committee will include representatives of the congress's 14 regions, its women's and youth leagues, Mr. Mandela and four other leaders, and three more members to be named later.
"Shenandoah" struggled in its first weeks but eventually found an audience and ran for 1,050 performances, recouping 80 percent of its $500,000 investment, the remainer of which, plus a small profit, was earned by touring companies.