Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Plans for the development of the remaining land are on hold until money is available.
Where upon she is returned home for the last remaining days of her life.
The remaining land is private or owned by the state of Washington.
He thought it would take away from her remaining strength.
However, the government refused to give the remaining land to the university.
The building is the last remaining evidence of the pit.
Most of the remaining land is now open to the public for hiking.
Still, he should look at the remaining offerings before making his decision.
The Brothers sold the remaining land to the government for 7000.
They spent their remaining time in rehearsal for the moment.
This team, thus far, has been able to turn its little remaining time together into a celebration.
Not that she was likely to catch up on any more sleep over her remaining days here.
After which she embraced life with all her remaining strength.
Much of the remaining land is used for vegetables and flowers.
"There's so much money involved and you're the last holder of any remaining land."
And wondered briefly whether she'd ever see either of her remaining children again.
After her death the title for the remaining land will be turned over to the Trustees.
I have little remaining time before the extent of my fraud is found.
Cleopatra spent her remaining years in the service of God.
It was the last remaining appeal in the Whitewater case.
There is no word on future releases of the four remaining seasons.
The remaining land, less than one percent, is private land.
A third of the remaining German troops were taken prisoner, and for the rest everything was over.
My remaining time will be spent attempting to shame those in power into doing the right thing.
However, their remaining time on the navy list proved to be limited.