Vanko's next remark confirmed this.
His remarks confirmed a report on the tunnels that first appeared this week in Jane's Defense Weekly, a London-based military magazine.
Wall Street analysts said remarks by President Reagan confirmed the view in the financial markets that a $76 billion, two-year budget-cutting accord was insufficient.
He looked significantly at his companion as if my remark had confirmed something he had told him earlier, and sank down to rest upon the ground.
Mr. Rafsanjani's remarks confirm what we have said all along.
When he started off to Washington, I assumed that my remark must have confirmed something he already knew.
The first remark from Smither confirmed the uneasiness which had taken him forth.
The remarks by Mr. Ford, who died in 1987, confirm widely held suspicions of the doubts he had about Mr. Iacocca.
The Commissioner's remarks confirm how important this initiative is.
Mr. Waigel's remarks on taxes confirmed what most Germans had long feared.