This time Verheiden's remark evoked applause, catcalls and derisive laughter from his own men and some of the roughnecks.
The remark evoked mingled amusement and surprise in the crowd.
Knot continued talking, using key information Hermine drew from the man's mind as Knot's remarks evoked it, skillfully building a stronger case.
What these women don't know, but psychologists do, is that as a rule a man who makes crude remarks does not really intend to seduce, but enjoys the discomfort his remarks evoke.
Her remarks have evoked excitement and controversy among both the Episcopal and Muslim communities.
The problem with most statuary is that neither the figures nor the remarks under them evoke much conversation.
If so, his remark evoked the standard rapist's defense, which is to blame the victim.
The remarks, in an interview published Monday, instantly evoked memories of the cold war, and Mr. Putin did little to discourage that comparison, saying, "We are, of course, returning to those times."
The remark evoked a fin-de-régime mood that has been creeping up on Mr. Blair's administration since he said earlier this month that he would quit within a year.
Seeing the scowl her remark evoked from Scott, she quickly continued.