Despite having been a remarkable player, the competition in the defence didn't allowed him to have more caps for the national team.
He's the most remarkable player and competitor I've seen.
Wolcott, a 22-year-old rookie, was the most remarkable player on the field.
Still, more than four months into Beltran's first season with the Mets, he has been a respectable but not remarkable player.
He was a remarkable player for Maldives national team.
The season is about one team, not one remarkable player.
Had the devil, himself, stepped into this game, he could scarcely have fared better than this remarkable player.
Born without a right hand, Abbott continues to prove why he is one of the most remarkable players in the majors.
'He is the most remarkable player of the day, a total one-off,' he said.
These remarkable players operate from a cooler upper atmosphere.