In addition to the Microsoft case, which is now on appeal, he has enjoyed a remarkable string of court triumphs.
In a remarkable string of 18 straight points, Martin came up with another break to go up, 5-4, and served for the match.
The move, which would mark a change in government strategy, follows a remarkable string of developments.
And Goldman has had a remarkable string of strong profits.
Then came Aug. 2 and the start of a remarkable string of relief efforts.
Comments: New England has put together a remarkable string over the last eight games (7-1).
Through it all, Blackwood managed to turn out a remarkable string of books.
But the Kings' remarkable string of syndication successes could actually hurt their future prospects.
After a remarkable string of victories, the Taliban marched into Kabul two years ago.
But the result may be to ruin Ford's remarkable string of strike-free years.