In addition, pellets, quite unlike intraclasts, are characterized by a remarkable uniformity of shape, extremely good sorting, and small size.
Despite the remarkable cultural uniformity, Slavic development appears to have been less politically consolidated compared to the Germani.
"These figures certainly indicate a remarkable uniformity of barometric pressure in this tropical region throughout the year."
But the structure of a rodeo is one of remarkable uniformity.
Researchers expressed surprise at the remarkable genetic uniformity they found among modern Jews, no matter where the diaspora has become dispersed around the world.
Analysis of the results showed remarkable uniformity in the change in Vg after smoking a single cigarette.
There is remarkable uniformity among the above religions with respect to the benefits of sexual continence.
The archaeological record shows a remarkable uniformity of culture in the peninsula from 1800 to 1200 BC - the so-called "Apennine culture".
If you collate the remarks and speeches of the knights (as I have had occasion to do) you will find a remarkable uniformity running through them.
For a large part of the 20th century this well-oiled denominational machinery imposed a remarkable uniformity on what was, in principle, a highly decentralized collection of churches.