In many ordinary encounters, South Africans are remarkably polite - to a transplanted New Yorker, almost maddeningly so.
If, as seems likely, Ms. Ricci is turning into a movie star, she's remarkably polite about it.
Mr. Rosnovski was remarkably polite in the circumstances, and I must confess I was almost sorry the board felt unable to back him.
He was quiet and self-effacing, remarkably polite and obliging-a product, biographer Alan Clayson wrote, of his Southern upbringing.
He promptly ordered her back upstairs, though in a remarkably polite tone.
In public, the President was remarkably polite in his news conference with Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa, considering that eight months of negotiations had produced nothing.
"I thought he was remarkably polite, for a teenage boy."
The young lieutenant became remarkably polite, and also attentive to duty.
Comic verve is harnessed to a darker purpose in this novel about a wealthy American who seeks refuge from sorrow in an imaginary, and remarkably polite, Andorra.