If remedial steps are taken, probably government officials will not seek full sanctions.
So the remedial steps, too, have varied widely over the years.
Finally, it said that companies that aid the commission in its investigation and quickly take remedial steps would be more likely to escape financial penalties.
"It's simply the level at which we recommended further testing be done and the homeowner consider taking some remedial steps," he said.
It was clear for the long term that the kind of remedial steps we had taken would not suffice.
After Judge Jackson rules, he will then move to consider what sanctions, or remedial steps, should be ordered.
The service said it was taking further remedial steps today.
It would be good to have a prompt response to these questions and to take remedial steps now, and not wait to the end of 2008.
The Clinton Administration has taken some remedial steps.
Surely there are remedial steps to take now without waiting more years for a larger plan of action.