Once that step is taken, prosecutors say, all of the crime family's activities are then accessible to the remedies prescribed in the statute.
They are highly knowledgeable about medical herbs, often prescribing inexpensive remedies to ill people.
All they said was "This is wrong, fix it", they didn't prescribe specific technical remedies and probably wouldn't want to.
He said, "I am pointing out facts-diagnosing, not prescribing remedies."
Having discovered these, the sociologist could then determine whether a given society is 'healthy' or 'pathological' and prescribe appropriate remedies.
To exorcise the danger and evil, these fortunetellers prescribe various remedies - all at a price.
In an era of heightened youth cultism, the remedy prescribed is to "back off" and renegotiate on the terms the children set.
He prescribes practical remedies for too much density and for too little.
The somnambulist would diagnose an illness and prescribe remedies.
They are considered useful for divining the future, prescribing remedies for problems, and perhaps putting a spell on an enemy.