So Cole's remedies require an enlightened electorate.
(The court's remedy requires customers to place orders with two clicks rather than one.)
Any remedies would require slow and subtle pressures.
The remedy for this cause of action not only requires the defendant to pay the plaintiff the full value of the chattel but also is properly considered a forced sale.
Beyond that, the newer remedies require extensive training.
Escalation to higher management (up the metalinguistic levels of recursion) will be needed if the remedy requires more resources than the current level of capability or variety can sustain.
The remedies could be costly and require significant redesign changes in the 500-foot-long, 290-ton station, like making its thousands of parts more readily accessible to repair by robots.
The remedies truly needed will take longer, cost more and require gutsy leadership, not demagogic posturing.
But these remedies would require permanent government oversight of the software industry - a potential nightmare in a fast-moving, technically complicated industry.
Second, if the remedy requires progressively harsher punishment for recalcitrance, avoid it like the plague.