I remember writing the title track to this album while in a jet high over America.
I, too, remember writing notes to my best friend with invisible ink to pass in class.
But now you pretend not to remember writing that stuff I just gave you.
She remembered writing it in her diary on September 4, the first day of school.
I remember four years ago writing that going there was like "visiting a European-born grandmother's house."
"Executives who are stated to be the author of documents claim not to remember writing them," Government lawyers wrote.
I remember writing the monologue acting like a whole different person, a 3- year-old.
He remembered very clearly writing his name at the end of the tax papers with just such a pen.
The above phrase is something of a puzzle to me, for at this point I cannot remember writing it.
It's just that I usually remembered writing whatever it was attached to, that's all.