Ahhhhhh," the voice continued, trying to grasp a remembered sound.
The mere remembered sounds of the words were sweet.
She flinched at the remembered sound of the door closing, the absolute darkness of the closet, the sense of aloneness swallowing her up.
Bink headed for the remembered sound of the first snort, tuning out all others.
Then Jannings' voice came, very faintly, like a remembered sound rather than like an actual noise.
Dimly, as always, there was a remembered sound of the bells.
In Kirk's mind was the remembered sound of a voice like music, of a dark and lonely loveliness wait-ing in vain for the salvation of her people.
The remembered sound had an extraordinary effect on Molly.
She had spent years fighting the satanic urges of her body, fighting the remembered sounds, the moans and sighs that came from her mother's bed.
Everywhere he went, he said, he took with him the remembered sounds of music, and, apparently, the remembered images of art.