Routh has said that he hopes to "remind people of Christopher while at the same time making them feel like they're seeing a totally new Superman."
"Mr Clark, you're an optimist," Greer observed, reminding Kelly of his cover name at the same time.
Michel said I reminded him of his audience at the time when he made speeches.
Instead, "Beauty Queen" confirms the viability of the well-made play, reminding us at the same time of how difficult the genre is to execute.
All three made beautiful, apt, transparent sounds, but reminded us at the same time where the responsibility for music-making, on whatever instruments, really lies.
Reminded me of it even at the time: that picture of Napoleon coming back from Moscow.
This reminded Margaret Washington of the neglect of women at the time.
"Anne Boleyn's daughter has no hopes: and when you speak of my birthday, you remind me at the same time of my despised birth!"
I would like to remind Mrs Lochbihler to table her oral amendment at the correct time, during the vote.
He reminded him also how, at the time of departing for Troy%!