All this changed in the early 20th century when the world of fashion circled back to styles reminiscent of the Empire silhouette.
Shields preferred a more aggressive style, reminiscent of the one presented during the early stage of Cintrón's early career.
This is not a restoration: it's brand new, fashioned in a style reminiscent of French ceilings of the first decades of the 18th century.
The short story is told from the first person point of view, in a style reminiscent of more archaic fiction.
The band was short lived and had a musical style reminiscent to the industrial music of Einstürzende Neubauten.
Mara's long brown hair was cut short and dyed black, in a style reminiscent of 1970s punk and 1980s goth fashions.
Painted in a style more reminiscent of the livery used on earlier Board vehicles, they became known as the "Red" Fords.
Hakuhō has a straightforward but effective style, reminiscent of yokozuna Takanohana.
Uhlmann demonstrated a very vivid style of chess, reminiscent of his glory days.
He painted still lifes in a style reminiscent of Spanish bodegón paintings.