Until Argentina's military dictatorship made an ill-advised decision to invade the Falklands in 1982, few people could even pinpoint the location of this remote archipelago.
Eventually, a woman named Valerie Cortez shows up, offering a large sum if Jack would take her to a remote archipelago known as "Jacutan".
Tristan da Cunha is the most remote archipelago in the world.
St Kilda, a remote archipelago of islands 40 miles off the coast of North Uist, has captured the imagination of explorers for centuries.
The TNIE has a staffer at Port Blair, the capital city of the remote archipelago.
He returned to Hinnøya Island after graduation, and in April 1707 he was ordained and assigned to a parish on the equally remote archipelago of Lofoten.
St Kilda - A name formerly used for sheep reputed to be from the remote Scottish archipelago of St Kilda.
Beating back a proposal to build casinos on the island, conservationists persuaded the government to declare 70 percent of this remote archipelago a national marine park.
The Haida carved the mightiest totem polls and swiftest canoes out of giant cedar trees before the Europeans arrived in the mid-18th century on this remote archipelago.
The prison was used by the British especially to exile political prisoners to the remote archipelago.