France detonated a nuclear blast in the South Pacific today, the fifth in a series of tests on two remote atolls that has drawn worldwide protests.
My wife and I are missionaries on Alualu, a rather remote atoll at the northwestern tip of the Micronesian crescent.
They encompass wetlands, estuaries, grasslands, nesting seabird colonies, forests, remote atolls with extensive coral reef ecosystems, high mountain deserts and all of the variations in between.
It is located on a fairly remote atoll; the nearest locations, to the north, are Manriki and Nikumanu.
In March 1975, newly elected prime minister Zaki was arrested in a bloodless coup and was banished to a remote atoll.
Habele is US-based charity that serves educational needs in the more remote atolls of Micronesia.
The day he'd arrived on this remote atoll, so many years ago, he'd brought surveyors and a construction crew, and they had immediately begun work on his home.
The protests were sparked by the detonation of a French nuclear bomb on Tuesday at a remote atoll 750 miles southeast of Tahiti.
In March 1975, newly-elected Prime Minister Zaki was arrested in a bloodless coup and was banished to a remote atoll.
Penrhyn is the most remote and largest atoll of the 15 Cook Islands in the south Pacific Ocean.