Since December 1989 cruise ships no longer visit Palm, which makes this island paradise a remote hideaway for the overworked and weary.
Oh, by the way, a reality check: the Ash Creek Saloon is not named for some remote hideaway in the Texas hill country, but for a stream that runs behind the restaurant.
A small, remote hideaway of 30 palm-thatched rooms, with its own airstrip set on a hilltop overlooking the Pacific.
After dispatching Bligh, the Bounty returned to Tahiti before sailing off to find a more remote hideaway.
Citing "moral rot" at home, he moved to Galway, Ireland, in 1952 and made that his home until 1975, when he moved to Las Caletas, a remote hideaway on the west coast of Mexico.
Even in this remote hideaway, Tante Lulu wasn't taking any chances.
Maybe I should have had Roarke fire up one of his JetStars and shoot Mavis off planet to some remote little hideaway.
Hunt wrote her first four books living in isolation in a remote hideaway in France called La montagne.
In January 1790 the Bounty mutineers arrived on inhospitable Pitcairn after a long search for a remote hideaway, far from the long arm of British naval justice and almost certain death at the gallows.
It's a rather remote hideaway in an unlikely area for a restaurant: among modest homes that might have originally served as summer houses or fisherman's places.