In the 1950s the Chinese Communist government created "Recovered Villages" in rural remote mountaintops for the recovered patients.
The world's greatest telescopes - in space as well as on remote mountaintops - were ready for the show.
Griffith's objective was to make astronomy accessible by the public, as opposed to the prevailing idea that observatories should be located on remote mountaintops and restricted to scientists.
In one case documented by Mr. Krebs wolverines abandoned their den because of a heli-skiing operation, in which skiers are dropped by helicopter on remote mountaintops.
The unvarnished truth rivals anything that Essad Bey ever conjured from the remote mountaintops of the Caucasus.
Hearst Castle is both gauche and magnificent on a beautiful remote mountaintop above the coast.
One song in particular continues to surprise him with its reach, he said, remembering a trip he took with CARE to a remote mountaintop in Honduras.
They have fled to remote mountaintops to escape the light of the cities.
Explore the high passes and remote mountaintops of Nepal that are home to endangered snow leopards, red pandas, and white-naped cranes.
Consequently, "places of the spirit" might justifiably include anything from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington to a remote mountaintop.