However Martianus's depiction does not look to be confined to a division Heaven-Earth as it includes the Underworld and other obscure regions or remote recesses of Heaven.
The tables in shady nooks, even the remote recess we'd twitchily occupied as schoolboys, were all taken, as were most of the woodworm-infested pews and ladder-back chairs that cluttered the main floor area.
It was like the distant rumble of continuous thunder, and I could hear its sounding undulations rolling far away into the remote recesses of the abyss.
He had known that manuscripts, documents, letters written or signed by renowned men and women through all of civilized time had been collected and preserved in the remote recesses of awesome libraries and museums.
And when Cadfael came slowly back to her across the empty court, she stood in his way great-eyed, fronting him gravely as if she would penetrate into the most remote recesses of his mind.
"Follow me," replied Ovan, and he started back into the remote recesses of the cavern, which were fitfully illumined by his flickering torch, while behind him followed Jana and the ape-man.
What I propose to do is to push whatever of your core identity I can into a specific recess so remote from consciousness that it might as well not be there.
In the remote recesses of the mind, home would always be with you, and the legion was his home.
I told myself that it was because I was tired, but I wondered if perhaps I was a little bit apprehensive about what I might find in the remote recesses of the house.
He describes techniques that astronomers use to explore the remote recesses of the cosmos in their quest to understand its composition, evolution, and ultimate fate.