It opens with a remote release in the driver's doorjamb, and when you've discovered that, you also discover that 10.3 cubic feet really isn't much space at all.
Pull on the corner and it detaches, instantly becoming a cordless remote release with an infrared trigger.
It also sports no fewer than four release buttons; two remote releases and one each for shooting in vertical and horizontal positions.
On the right-hand side is the wind-on lever with the manual reset frame counter on top and the remote release threaded shutter button.
Ke L; Killick-Kendrick R. A radio controlled box for the remote release of insects.
Combined with a remote or cable release, this greatly reduces the potential for vibration of the camera.
The MC-30 is available as a corded remote release and the ML-3 offered as a wireless option.
A remote release trigger?
Add a bulb release, a cable release, or another kind of remote release, and camera shake can be almost totally eliminated.
The camera is also equipped with a terminal for a proprietary remote release cable (MC-DC1).