I doubt if anyone would, find the remotest resemblance between this girl and a patient who is in her sixties or seventies.
It is a beautiful and very moving story, marred only by the fact that it does not bear the remotest resemblance to what actually happens.
And then there is Kansas, the only of the four teams without 30 victories this season and the one bearing the most remote resemblance to a gate-crasher.
And yet, this vile bit of human rubbish seemed to bear a sort of remote and ill-defined resemblance to me!
For this was no chance or remote resemblance.
Are you inferring that my sexual preferences have any remote resemblance to your fancy photographer's?
There's no indication of any life down there that bears even the remotest resemblance to human life.
Ford speaks of any mutation which chances to give a "remote resemblance" to a more protected species, from which some advantage, however slight, might accrue.
We must ask how remote the resemblance can be to have selective value.
Anybody would think the birds and monkeys benefited from being fooled by the remote resemblance!