A modern metro system is being constructed that will connect the city's remote suburbs with the downtown area.
Invited to some remote suburb for dinner, I would ask to use the phone at dinner's end to call a cab to take me home.
He was invited to a house in a remote suburb of the city that had just been rented by a man from Vienna.
But they pay a price for living in a remote suburb.
AS a child I lived with my parents in a small modern apartment in a remote suburb of Paris.
One end of the street abuts on the river, the other becomes merged in the equally remote suburb of Popincourt.
In the mid 1990s, a new proposal was formulated to serve the eastern suburbs remote from the rail network.
Many of these places were remote suburbs when they were first developed.
They were completed in 1924 and 1953, when Saburovo was a remote suburb of Moscow.