If any of this is remotely true, then she deserved what she got.
None of these statements are remotely true, and they seriously hurt the reputation of a resistance movement that returned honor to Germany.
This is clever, as it makes Huntsman look important and the subject of much attention which - to be frank - has not been remotely true.
Neither condition has turned out to be remotely true.
It was, in fact, not remotely true, but any port in a storm, I say.
If any of that is remotely true, I'm grateful to her.
Yet again, another story in this series that doesn't ring remotely true.
Please check your facts before posting next time, your post has not a single statement that is remotely true or correct.
If it were remotely true that popular-vote elections cause parties to proliferate, then you would expect to find examples of this phenomenon.
But if the rhetoric is remotely true, it can't be a lack of will.