Measurements are made manually at marked locations known as snow courses, and remotely using special scales called snow pillows.
Allows the initiator to remotely use a digital camera.
You can remotely use most popular PC and Mac desktop search programs and forward files through your computer's broadband connection.
The Pentagon also used remotely piloted surveillance drones, including ones armed with Maverick missiles, in Vietnam.
The system could be accessed remotely by dial-up as a student or an instructor using a terminal emulator.
This problem is often skirted by remotely using a PC with the same network (LAN) as the server.
Online writing labs play an important part in writing center assistance because they allow writers to use some of the center's resources remotely.
Never before has the American military used so many remotely piloted aircraft in such diverse missions, and many officers call them the wave of the future.
By using remotely piloted aircraft, as opposed to manned bombers, we avoided losing any prisoners to the enemy in the Afghan War.