For many critics the missing wall in the house, "removed" after Jessie's death, symbolises the absent female influence.
It was removed after his death and since then has often changed hands.
The Duke of Lerma was eventually removed from power in 1618, though only after Margaret's death.
When she was 16, her father removed her from school after his wife's death to serve as surrogate mother to her younger brother, Earl.
I would imagine the bits of Oscar were removed after his death, rather than being the cause.
This was removed after his death.
The wheel-chair elevator was removed after Roosevelt's death in 1945.
Due to tensions between the aristocracy and the military, it was removed from the curriculum soon after his death, in 1133.
The family's original furnishings were removed after Muir's death in 1914, when the house was sold.
Harvey was removed from News and Comment without explanation after his father's death.